Knowing what to do in a medical emergency is, arguably, one of the most important life skills we could all benefit from learning.
So we are delighted that the first of our social events in 2025 will be an instructional First Aid evening starting at 7pm on Friday January 24, hosted by one of our Ladies Section members – Anita Sparrow – who is a qualified First Aid Instructor.
The basic lifesaving skills session will also be supported by members of the Nayland First Responders who are locally based and are an important link between a medical emergency being reported and the full-time emergency services attending. The Nayland group is also the chosen charity this year of Seniors Captain Kevin Price.
The evening will cover the following:
• Identify the roles and responsibilities of a First Aider
• Conduct a scene survey
• Identify when to administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
• Demonstrate CPR on an adult and baby
• Identify when and how to put an adult, child or baby into the recovery position
• Demonstrate how to use a defibrillator on an adult or child
• Identify when choking is mild or severe
• Demonstrate how to administer first aid to an adult, child or baby who is choking
• Demonstrate how to administer first aid for external bleeding
There is no charge for attending, but we would ask that, on the night, everyone who is there makes a small donation to charity.
To book your place, please email Clare Nixon on