The SbN Ladies Silver Trophy County Team won their second match in their league (5 matches to be played in total) on Sunday 12th May.
It was against Stock Brook Manor at home on a very sunny hot day (unbelievable!) We were a bit unused to putting on the sunscreen.
Our team consisted of Bev Thompson, Jane Golding, Tracey Dickens, Catriona Chaplin and Bev Ellender.
It was a very good win with all 5 ladies taking their individual matches, with Tracey and Bev Ellender each on the 18th so having to fight hard.
Thank you also to caddies Sue Gregory, Jill Pottle, Paul Golding and Tim Dickens, and support from our Lady Captain Stella Hammond.
This win follows on from our first match in April when we also won, so going well so far. 3 more to go….