Each month, our three Captains share with us their news from the previous few weeks and take a quick look ahead to the upcoming month.

Men’s Captain, Norman Davidson

With the course irrigation issues now resolved, Steve Young and his team have at last been able to complete the majority of the Constable bunker refurbishment, albeit some areas around the bunkers still require finishing. The work on reducing the size of the bunker on the Gainsborough first and surrounding area has now been completed, along with the remedial work on the 16th Gainsborough bunker. All bunkers on both courses are now back in play apart from the 11th Constable fairway bunker.

The recent weather has been ideal for grass growth and the courses are now looking resplendent. All the greens, along with the putting green and tee boxes have benefitted from the work that has been carried out over the past months, which in turn, leads to the problem of keeping on top of the mowing. We should be ever grateful for the work the green keeping team put in every day in this respect.

May saw a full programme of golf, including numerous team competitions. Having had a walkover in the first round of the Thornton Cup, our second round match was a home fixture against the team from Theydon Bois. Our boys played extremely well, resulting in an emphatic victory 12 1/2 – 2 1/2. The next round is an away match against Boyce Hill on the 30th June.

Unfortunately results in other Essex competitions have not gone so well, with the Leslie Wood team going out in the Plate, in a closely fought match 4 1/2 – 3 1/2 to Stock Brook Manor. The Essex Senior’s team narrowly missed out at home to Orsett 6 – 5, whist the John Day team went down 6 -3 away to Abridge.

This year has been difficult for the Jubilee Cup team. Without a win to date and only one match left to play away at Bentley, this means that we will have no further involvement in this competition. I would however like to thank all the Team Captains and the players who have given up their time to represent the club in these competitions.

Ladies Captain, Stella Hammond

The ladies winter league was finally settled on Saturday 11th May. In a closely fought game between Bev Ellender and Erica Dean Bev came out as winner with the last putt on the final hole to win one up.

On Thursday the 9th the sun finally came out for the Ladies Spring meeting competition
where the Salcombe Salver and Suzetta Platt Cup were contested. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, consisting of a splendid halfway hut and a two course meal in the gallery.
Special thanks to Lesley G, Nettie, Sue Grieves and Kyle for their help.
The results were as follows :
Salcombe Salver 1st place Melissa Halfhide, 2nd IzzyStone, 3rd Mandy Byham
Suzetta Platt 1st place Elaine Harris, 2nd Janet Bettle, 3rd Sue Spittlehouse
The back 9 competition was won by Chrissie Kettle

The Silver and Bronze teams have had a very busy month, both with home and away matches. The Bronze ladies have won 2 and lost 1, the Silver ladies have been successful in all their 3 games.

Looking forward into June, Pamela Randle is completing a 54 hole challenge in aid of French’s care haven and Little Lifts, starting at 5 am! If you haven’t already sponsored her, a form is up in the ladies changing room.

We are hosting a Ladies open on the 4th June and holding the Grandmothers competition on the 6th. On 20th we will have a summer solstice competition in which we will tee off from 6am onwards if you wish, usual tee times will be available, and wear something yellow if you can
The end of the month is golf week with various competitions including the ladies pro-am, watch out for details in the coming week or two.

Joke of the Month
What does a golfers diet consist of ? A lot green greens and water !
Quote of the Month
“Golf is a game of misses, and the winners are those who have the best misses” – Kathy Whitworth

Seniors Captain, John Parkinson

Having played both courses in the last week I am pleased to say the greens are improving
particularly Gainsborough.

With warmer weather and continued showers, we are in perfect grass growing conditions and both courses are beginning to look good. We are now in the golf season proper with warm weather and sunshine to come with that in mind; enjoy your game of golf, please replace divots repair your pitch marks, and keep up with the group in front. Simple things we all need to remind ourselves of now and again.

June is an active month for the Senior section with the Senior Championship rounds 1 and 2,
four inter-club matches (two away to Felixstowe and Frinton and two at home to Benton Hall and
Gosfield.) For our monthly Stableford we are trailing a choice of tee for those taking part, we
believe the new world handicap system will make this a potential permanent format.

Quote for this month
“If profanity had an influence on the flight of the ball, the game of golf would be played far
better than it is.”
Horace G. Hutchinson