Each month, our three Captains share with us their news from the previous few weeks and take a quick look ahead to the upcoming month.
Men’s Captain, Norman Davidson
This weekend see’s the conclusion of the PGA Tour season with the culmination of the FED EX Cup, where thirty players are vying for prize money of $25,000,000.
And September sees the conclusion of our own competition season and while not playing for high stakes, we eagerly await the outcome of those finals to see whose names will adorn the Honours Boards for 2024.
With a number of semi-final matches still to take place, we are still unsure of the names of those who will be competing for honours. I wish each and everyone of them all the best and congratulate those who have already made it to the finals.
Prior to Finals Day, scheduled for Sunday September 22, there is a chance to compete in the Monthly Medal and Constable Championship, another Board competition that takes place on Saturday September 21.
With the evenings starting to draw in, I trust that you are all making the most of the current fine weather to get in as much golf as possible.
Don’t forget, Saturday October 5 is the Captains’ Dinner, an opportunity for you to help celebrate another successful year with the Captains. Details are on display around the club and also on the members website.
Ladies Captain, Stella Hammond
August was a relatively quiet month for the ladies, but we did compete for the Chris Mylam trophy with Fran Chandler and Anne Hemmings as the winning team.
Elaine Harris went to Woodhall Spa with Jill Pottle as her caddie and had a really enjoyable experience in the finals of the Race to Woodhall Spa, and a very respectable 37 points on the Hotchkin course.
We also hosted the Silver team trophy ladies from The Warren and Thornton Park for their semi final match, with the Warren winning and therefore reaching the final. The ladies from both clubs were very complimentary about the course.
Looking into next month, September 3 will see the annual competition between Ladies Captain and Vice Captain take place,( previously LC vs Secretary) followed by the traditional Sumbler meal and presentation to the overall winner, which everyone who has played is welcome to attend.
The weekend of September 7 and 8 is the Ladies Club Championship and later in the month we will have the Autumn meeting on Thursday 29, following which there will be a two course meal. Menu and cost to be advised.
Volunteers from the Little Lifts charity will also have a stall, and we hope to present to them a cheque for the monies raised so far.
Quote of the Month – from Lydia Ko, the AIG women’s open champion 2024, which was played at St Andrews, “You just have to embrace whatever hand you are dealt….” Very true given the weather conditions. I must also mention Lily May Humphreys who played all four days- well done Lily
Joke of the Month – Question: “what did you get on your last hole”? Answer: “Depressed”
Seniors Captain, John Parkinson
A good spell of warm sunny weather has made the last month of golf very enjoyable for all.
The Seniors Committee Cup was held at Bentley Golf club. 24 past and present committee
members competed for the converted trophy. Malcolm Norton won with a very good 39
points, claiming his new clubs worked wonders. They certainly did… well played Malcolm.
Andy Cracknell was second with 37 and John Jardine was third beating Paul Sandfield on
count back with 36 points. A good day’s golf was had by all.
Events to look forward to in September; Inter Club matches away to Newton Green, The
Essex and Clacton. The only home match this month is against Braintree.
September 9 is the Monthly Stableford and Senior Cup, and our annual Suffolk v Essex competition is on September 16.
Quote for this month
“You swing your best when you have the fewest things to think about.” Bobby Jones