Seniors Captain Kevin Price has finally been able to undergo the traditional humiliation of the Drive-in – watched by a noisy crowd of fellow Seniors.
Kevin’s original Drive-in was postponed because of illness, and the second was postponed because of a waterlogged course. But the stars aligned yesterday to allow it to go ahead at the third attempt before the start of the annual Yuletide Scramble.
Keving said: “It wasn’t an overwhelming drive, but it was straight and in play, hurtling through the air for a valiant 167 yard attempt”.
There were 10 lucky winners, who all guessed the exact distance and will receive £15.60 each. The sweep has raised at least £380 for his charity of the year, Nayland Community First Responders. This may turn out to be a little more as a few people have already donated their winnings back to the charity.
The Yuletide scramble itself raised in excess of £1,000 for the Sudbury Storehouse Foodbank. Once again, thanks to everyone for their very generous donations.
There were some great scores in the Scramble with the winning four ball recording just one bogey and six birdies to win with a net 60 by just 1 shot.
The winning fourball was made up of; Adrian Beckinsale, Kevin Walsh, Lionel Hatch and Mark Clark who all received a sleeve of balls from the Captain.
Particular thanks to those who came especially to witness the drive-in, but did not participate in the golf.