36 members of the Seniors Section have just returned from three great days at East Sussex National GC, participating in the annual Vice Captain’s Tour.
This year’s tour was organised by VC Kevin Price, assisted by Allen Smith, who both put in an incredible amount of work to make sure it all ran smoothly – apart from the weather.
The first day was fine, with 18 holes on the East Course – individual Stableford and Team Competition combined.
The second day was also not too bad with 18 holes over the West Course, individual Stableford and Secret Pairs.
But the final day was a disappointing washout, with early starters only completing a few holes and later starters not even getting off the first tee.
But that didn’t stop everyone having a great time.
Overall tour winner was Mark Clark, and the unfortunate player winning this year’s parrot award (if you know, you know) was Richard Middleton.