Submitting scorecards is an essential part of golf. Without it, players cannot hope to have an accurate handicap in line with their current form, and the foundations of fair play would be shaken.
So, it is important that, however inconvenient it may seem at the time, scores are submitted in line with protocols set out by England Golf and followed by us here at Stoke.
If you intend to submit a card for a round of golf – whether that is socially with friends, part of a swindle or a society outing – you must register a General Play Score Intent before you start to play.
At Stoke, this can be done via How Did I Do? using the mobile phone app, or via a PSI unit in the Pro Shop or Sports Bar, or via the MyEG mobile phone app.
When you finish your round, you must enter the score using the method you chose to register, and you must name your marker – and in the case of HDID you must also enter their score.
General Play scores can only be registered and returned for ‘single stroke play’. They are not acceptable for pairs, team, inter-club team or matchplay formats. If scores are wrongly returned for pairs, team or matchplay, then they will be deleted from your handicap record.
If you register to enter a score but, for whatever reason you don’t complete the round, the score of the actual holes played must still be returned. Specifically, if you register for 18 holes and only play 9 this cannot then be re-registered as a 9-hole score. Just complete the 18-hole card correctly by entering ‘DNP/did not play’ on those un-played holes.
General Play Scores when playing on an away course in England may be registered and returned by the MyEG app at that course. Scorecards from general play rounds played abroad, correctly filled in, may be given to Harry Hibbert, Golf Membership Manager for him to enter manually.
Remember, Pro Shop staff cannot return any General Play scores on your behalf. It is your responsibility to enter your score and name your marker for verification.