As members will know, the unrelenting wet weather has left many parts of course saturated and made playing conditions very unpleasant.
The knock-on effect of the weather and the ground conditions has also had a major impact on the winter maintenance schedule with many planned projects not completed because ground conditions are too wet for equipment to be used.
However, as members will have seen this week, the greenkeeping team have finally been able to carry on with bunker lining, and we should have seven more bunkers lined and back in play by April 1.
Work on repairing and restoring some of the tee box steps has also been going on despite the weather and members should be able to see a difference on some holes now. The new steps going in will have nonslip materials.
The main issue right now is the work on the greens. This has been badly affected by the weather and may continue to be disrupted if we get yet more rain.
However, if they can, the greenkeeping team will begin greens maintenance next week (February 19). They will stagger work between the courses and intend to hollow core to a depth of 80mm.
This is a continuation of our programme to tackle excessive thatch levels in greens. Excessive thatch contributes hugely towards disease and dry patch, both of which we’ve struggled with in the last few years.

We will be combining hollow coring with scarification to tackle different “depths” of the thatch build up. Most of it is in the upper 40mm, which can be tackled with regular scarification – also scheduled in the diary. Hollow core targets the thatch which is deeper in the roots of the grass.

We’ll be doing our normal hollow core process which includes a passing with two gradually smaller tines to help close the holes so the effect on play can be mitigated.
If you have any comments or feedback, please contact Harry Hibbert on